Krugle – The code search engine

June 19, 2006 at 12:13 pm (Uncategorized)

I am a good user of Google for all my queries from code to any interesting topic. Never I had thought that i would move to any other search. But this one, Krugle has made me do so. No, it is not from google. Its exclusively for searching codes, tech topics an projects, most of which are open source. Yes, this search engine searches all the open source CVS repositories from to apache etc. and gets you the code snippets that you can refer to. But be aware that these codes are under GPL, or LGPL or apache licences. So u have to follow those licenses which is not always suitable for commercial development. However it can be a grat learning resource for students and developers entering new domain. Open source code are the most scrutinised code and learning from those code will be a good start for any student. One nice feature of this is that when you click a search result, a new tab opens in the same page with the content of the link, so you do not have to move between pages for the search result and the actual pages.

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