JSConsole – JavaScript Tester written in JavaScript

March 10, 2010 at 4:49 pm (Uncategorized) ()

A  javascript script tester based on module pattern.  This javascript tester can be embedded onto any page to test a script on that page. Especially useful in case of IE. It uses Prototype.js 1.5

Source Code:
var JSConsole = (function() {
                 var currObj;
                 var currErr;
                 var currCmd;
                 var cmdHistory = $A([]);
                 var cmdNo = -1;
                 var logArea;
                 var count = 0;
                 var callBackArray = $A([]);
                 var lineNo = 0;
                 // methods
                 function toString() { return “JSConsole Object.”; }
                 function log(str, styles, noBreak, logHere) {
                     var consoleScreen = $(logHere) || logArea;
                     if (consoleScreen){
                         var str_with_br = “” +str;
                         try {
                             str_with_br = $A(str_with_br.split(‘,’)).join(‘, ‘);
                         catch(e) {
                             str_with_br = str;

                         if(styles) {
                             str_with_br = “<span id=’lineNo_”+lineNo+”‘ style='”+styles+”‘>” + str_with_br + “</span>”;
                         else {
                             str_with_br = “<span id=’lineNo_”+lineNo+”‘>” + str_with_br + “</span>”;

                         str_with_br = (noBreak === true) ? str_with_br : str_with_br + “<br/>”;

                         consoleScreen.innerHTML += str_with_br;
                         consoleScreen.scrollTop = 100000; // HACK: any large no for scrollTop will scroll the div to the bottom
                 function loge(error) {
                     currErr = error;
                     var err = “Error: “;
                     if(error.stack) {
                         err += “<a href=’javascript:void(0)’ onclick=’javascript:JSConsole.showError();'” + “><span style=’text-decoration: underline;’>” + error.message + “</span></a>”;
                     else {
                         err += error.message;
                     log(err, ‘color: red; font-weight: bold;’);
                 function logf(fc, fcName) {
                     var func = (function() { return function() {
                                 try { prettyPrintFunction(fc); }
                                 catch(e) { loge(e); }
                     var idx = callBackArray .length -1;
                     var funcDef = (“”+fc).split(“{“)[0];
                     var val = “<a href=’javascript:void(0)’ onclick=’javascript: JSConsole.explode(“+idx+”, \””+fcName+”\”);’> <span style=’font-weight:bold; text-decoration: underline;’> “+funcDef+” </span></a>”;
                     log(val, ‘color: green; font-weight: bold;’);
                 function logO(obj, objName) {
                     var func = (function() { return function() {
                                 try { dir(obj); }
                                 catch(e) { loge(e); }
                     var idx = callBackArray .length -1;
                     var val = “<a href=’javascript:void(0)’ onclick=’javascript: JSConsole.explode(“+idx+”);’> <span style=’font-weight:bold; text-decoration: underline;’> “+obj+” </span></a>”;
                     log(val, ‘color: green; font-weight: bold;’);
                 function logHTML(htmlElem) {
                     htmlElem = $(htmlElem);
                     var func = (function() { return function() {
                                 try { log(htmlElem); }
                                 catch(e) { loge(e); }
                     var func = (function() { return function() { getHTML(htmlElem); }})();
                     var idx = callBackArray .length -1;
                     var val = “<a href=’javascript:void(0)’ onclick=’javascript: JSConsole.explode(“+idx+”);’> <span style=’font-weight:bold; text-decoration: underline;’> “+htmlElem+” </span></a>”;
                     log(val, ‘color: green; font-weight: bold;’);
                 function prettyPrintFunction(funcRef) {
                     var funcText   = funcRef.toString();
                     funcText       = funcText.replace(/\/\/ No I18N/g, “”);
                     funcText       = funcText.replace(/for \(/g, “for(“);
                     var textArr    = funcText.toArray();
                     var indent     = 0;
                     var line       = ”;
                     var currChar   = ”;
                     var prevChar   = ”;
                     var prev2Char  = ”;
                     var prev3Char  = ”;
                     var escapeNewLine = false;
                     for(var i=0; i< textArr.length; i++) {
                         prev3Char  = prev2Char;
                         prev2Char  = prevChar;
                         prevChar   = currChar;
                         currChar   = textArr[i];

                         if(prev3Char == ‘f’ && prev2Char == ‘o’ && prevChar == ‘r’ && currChar == ‘(‘) {
                             escapeNewLine = true;

                         if(currChar == ‘;’ && !escapeNewLine) {
                             line += currChar;
                             log(line.escapeHTML(), “padding-left: “+indent+”;\””);
                             line = ”;
                         else if(currChar == ‘)’) {
                             line += currChar;
                             escapeNewLine = false;
                         else if(currChar == ‘{‘) {
                             line += currChar;
                             log(line, “padding-left: “+indent+”;\””);
                             indent += 8;
                             line = ”;
                             escapeNewLine = false;
                         else if(currChar == ‘}’) {
                             if(line.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ”) != ”) { // in case statement not terminated by a semi-colon
                                 log(line, “padding-left: “+indent+”;\””);
                             indent -= 8;
                             log(“}”, “padding-left: “+indent+”;\””);
                             line = ”;
                         else {
                             line += currChar;
                     textArr = null;
                 function expandErr(err) {
                     var msg = currErr.stack //err.stack;
                     msg = msg.split(‘@’).join(“<br/>”);
                     log(msg, ‘color: red’)
                 function evalScript() {
                     var cmd = $(‘cmdBox’).value;
                     currCmd = cmd;
                     try {
                         var result = eval(cmd);
                         log(“>>> ” + cmd.escapeHTML());
                         if(objectof(result) == “Function”){
                             logf(result, cmd);
                         else if(objectof(result) == “Array”) {
                         else if(objectof(result) == “Object”) {
                         else if(objectof(result) == “HTML”) {
                         else {
                     catch(e) {
                 function setHistory(cmd) {
                     if(cmdHistory.include(cmd)) {
                         var idx = cmdHistory.indexOf(cmd);
                     cmdNo = cmdHistory.length – 1;
                 function getPrevCmd() {
                     cmdNo = cmdNo -1;
                     if(cmdNo < 0) { cmdNo = 0; }
                     $(‘cmdBox’).value = cmdHistory[cmdNo];
                 function getNextCmd() {
                     cmdNo = cmdNo + 1;
                     if(cmdNo >= cmdHistory.length) { cmdNo = cmdHistory.length – 1; }
                     $(‘cmdBox’).value = cmdHistory[cmdNo];
                 function clearScriptText(event) {
                     if($(‘cmdBox’).value == “Enter your script”) { $(‘cmdBox’).value =”; }
                 function clearConsole() {
                     callBackArray = null;
                     callBackArray = $A([]);
                     lineNo = 0;
                 function checkKeyUp(event) {
                     if(event.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN)       { evalScript(); }
                     else if(event.keyCode == Event.KEY_UP)      { getPrevCmd(); }
                     else if(event.keyCode == Event.KEY_DOWN)    { getNextCmd(); }
                     //else { log(event.keyCode); }
                 function getHTML(elmNodeOrHTMLStr) {
                     var html_src = “”;
                     html_src += elmNodeOrHTMLStr.outerHTML || elmNodeOrHTMLStr;
                     //html_src = stripTags(html_src);
                     return html_src.escapeHTML();
                 function dir(obj, logHere) {
                     //log(“in dir “+this);
                     currObj = obj;
                     if(objectof(currObj) == “Function”) {
                         var comp = Object.keys(currObj).zip(Object.values(currObj)) ;
                         comp.each(function (c) {
                                   //window.console.debug(“objectof = “, objectof(obj[c[0]]), typeof(obj[c[0]]), obj[c[0]].constructor, obj[c[0]].prototype);
                                   var key = c[0] + “”;
                                   log(key , ‘color:green; font-weight:bold;’, true);
                                   log(” => “, null, true);
                                   var val = undefined;
                                   if(objectof(c[1]) == “Object”) {
                                       //val = “<a href=’javascript:void(0)’ onclick=’javascript: (function() {);})();’> <span style=’font-weight:bold; text-decoration: underline;’>” +c[1]+ “</span></a>”;
                                   else {
                                       val = (c[1]) ? c[1].toString().truncate(100) : ‘NULL’;
                     else if(objectof(currObj) == “Object”) {
                         var key, val, i;
                         for(i in currObj) {
                             //window.console.debug(“objectof = “, objectof(i), typeof(i), i.constructor, i.prototype);
                             if(objectof(currObj[i]) == “Object”) {
                                 key = i;
                                 var func = (function(o, p) { return function() {
                                             try {
                                                 dir(o[p], ‘div_exp_’+callBackArray.length);
                                             catch(e) { loge(e); }
                                 }})(obj, i);
                                 var idx = callBackArray.length-1;
                                 //var div_id = (function() { return ‘div_exp_’+idx ; })();
                                 val = “<a href=’javascript:void(0)’ onclick=’javascript: JSConsole.explode(“+idx+”, \””+key+”\”);’> <span style=’font-weight:bold; text-decoration: underline;’>” +currObj[i]+ “</span></a><div id=’div_exp_”+idx+”‘ style=’display:none’></div”;
                             else {
                                 key = i;
                                 val = currObj[i];
                             //window.console.debug(“key = “,key);
                             log(key , ‘color:green;’, true);
                             log(” => “, null, true);
                             if(objectof(currObj[i]) == “Function”) {
                                 logf(val, key);
                             else if(objectof(currObj[i]) == “Array”) {
                             else {
                     /* else if(objectof(currObj) == “Error”) { } */
                     else {
                         var comp = Object.keys(JSConsole.currObj).zip(Object.values(JSConsole.currObj)) ;
                         comp.each(function (c) {
                                   var key = c[0];
                                   log(key , ‘color:green; font-weight:bold;’, true);
                                   log(” => “, null, true);
                                   var val = (c[1]) ? c[1].toString().truncate(100) : ‘NULL’;
                 function explode(idx, name) {
                     try {
                         var name = name || “anonymous”;
                         log(“==== “+name+” ====”, ‘color:green; font-weight:bold;’);
                         var func = callBackArray[idx];
                         func.apply(JSConsole, []);
                     catch(e) {
                 function keys(obj) {
                     return $A(Object.keys(obj));
                 function objectof(object) {
                     if(object && object.constructor) {
                         var className = object.constructor.toString().match(/function\s*(\w+)/);
                         if(className) {
                             return className.last();
                         else {
                             return object.constructor;
                     return null;
                 function initSDC() {
                     var div_src = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
                     var div_html = “<div style=’margin:10; padding:5′><table width=\”100%\”><tbody><tr><td><button onclick=\”JSConsole.clearConsole();\” accesskey=\”c\” name=\”clear\”><span style=\”text-decoration: underline;\”>C</span>lear</button>&nbsp;<input type=\”text\” onclick=\”JSConsole.clearScriptText();\” style=\”width: 850px;\” value=\”Enter your script\” name=\”evalText\” id=\”cmdBox\”/>&nbsp;<input type=\”button\” onclick=\”window.JSConsole.evalScript();\” value=\”Run\” name=\”eval\”/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div style=\”border-style: ridge; overflow: auto; width: 1000px; float: left; height: 350px;\” id=\”log\”> </div></td> </tr> </tbody></table></div>”;

                     div_src.innerHTML = div_html;
                     logArea = $(‘log’);
                     var bRunCmd = window.JSConsole.checkKeyUp.bindAsEventListener(window.JSConsole);
                     Event.observe($(‘cmdBox’), ‘keypress’, bRunCmd);
                 // public
                 return {
                     log: log,
                     dir: dir,
                     keys: keys,
                     getHTML: getHTML,
                     checkKeyUp: checkKeyUp,
                     clearScriptText: clearScriptText,
                     clearConsole: clearConsole,
                     evalScript: evalScript,
                     showError: expandErr,
                     explode: explode,
                     initSDC: initSDC

window.sdlog = JSConsole.log;
Array.prototype.remove = function(array) {
    if(array.length) {
        var i=0;
        while( i < array.length) {
            var j=0;
            while( j < this.length) {
                if(this[j] == array[i]) {
                    this.splice(j, 1);
                else {
    return this;

Event.observe(window, ‘load’,  JSConsole.initSDC);

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Looks Good Works Well: Measuring User Experience Performance

February 3, 2009 at 7:58 pm (Blogroll)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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November 27, 2007 at 7:15 pm (Uncategorized) ()

The magic number that gives you the first approximation for the Newton Raphson method for finding the inverse square root of number.

The code is more than 15 years old but came to light when Quake 3D released its Doom III source code to public.

The code has been associated to John Carmack, Gary Tarolli and others but the origin of this number remains a mystery

float InvSqrt (float x){
float xhalf = 0.5f*x;
int i = *(int*)&x;
i = 0x5f3759df - (i>>1);
x = *(float*)&i;
x = x*(1.5f - xhalf*x*x);
return x;

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Krugle – The code search engine

June 19, 2006 at 12:13 pm (Uncategorized)

I am a good user of Google for all my queries from code to any interesting topic. Never I had thought that i would move to any other search. But this one, Krugle has made me do so. No, it is not from google. Its exclusively for searching codes, tech topics an projects, most of which are open source. Yes, this search engine searches all the open source CVS repositories from sourceforge.net to apache etc. and gets you the code snippets that you can refer to. But be aware that these codes are under GPL, or LGPL or apache licences. So u have to follow those licenses which is not always suitable for commercial development. However it can be a grat learning resource for students and developers entering new domain. Open source code are the most scrutinised code and learning from those code will be a good start for any student. One nice feature of this is that when you click a search result, a new tab opens in the same page with the content of the link, so you do not have to move between pages for the search result and the actual pages.

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Social Search

June 16, 2006 at 8:02 pm (Uncategorized)

While google has its personalized search where search results depends upon your searching patterns, its yet to deliver the goods. Social search,
introduced by Yahoo (http://myweb2.search.yahoo.com) and http://www.eurekster.com/ seems to accelerate this personalized search progress.

Social search does not depends on your profile but the profile of your friends and their search preferences. The yahoo My Web does exactly that by
allowing you to share your search indexes with your friends and peers. So a group of people with similar interests will always get better results for their
searches because some of them might already have searched it before. Also this reduces the number of search indexes to be searched
for relevancy. If you are on my web i can see your search preferences
and search with your recommendation. Also searches marked by people in
your group as relevant will be marked for you. You can also save your
search results and search pages online on yahoo MyWeb and your friends
will be shown those pages higher up in the search results.

But it depends on how honestly people mark pages and how good your network is. I recently clicked a link which had nothing what the user has written about. There should be a method to stop this abuse.

I dont know how far this will affect google's search power which is
purely machine based. but google has a habit of not letting out the
strategy until they release it. May be thats why they bought Irkutsk.
They did not buy your profile, they already have it, they bought your friend's profile.

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Pointer Manipulation

June 16, 2006 at 7:51 pm (Uncategorized)



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June 9, 2006 at 3:20 pm (Uncategorized)

hi everyone

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